How to Spell “Achieve”

Spelling is an essential skill that we use in our daily lives, whether it’s writing an email, sending a text message, or even filling out a job application. One word that can sometimes trip people up is “achieve.” In this blog post, we will explore the correct spelling of “achieve” and provide some tips to help you remember it.

The Correct Spelling of “Achieve”

The correct spelling of the word “achieve” is A-C-H-I-E-V-E. It is a verb that means to successfully bring about or accomplish a goal or task. While it may seem like a straightforward word, it’s not uncommon for people to misspell it.

Tips for Remembering the Spelling

Here are a few tips to help you remember how to spell “achieve” correctly:

  1. Break it down: Divide the word into smaller parts to make it easier to remember. For example, you can break it down into “a-chi-eve” or even “ach-i-eve.”
  2. Use mnemonic devices: Create a phrase or sentence using the letters of the word to help you remember the correct spelling. For instance, “A Cat Has Interesting Ears Very Exciting” can be a fun way to remember the letters in “achieve.”
  3. Practice: Write the word “achieve” multiple times to reinforce the correct spelling in your mind. You can also use spelling exercises or online resources to further practice spelling words like “achieve.”
  4. Pay attention to common misspellings: Many people mistakenly spell “achieve” as “acheive” by swapping the “i” and “e.” Being aware of common misspellings can help you avoid making the same mistake.

Commonly Confused Words

There are several words that are commonly confused with “achieve.” Here are a few examples:

  • Achievement: This is a noun that refers to the act of achieving or something that has been accomplished. For example, “Winning the championship was a great achievement for the team.”
  • Achievable: This is an adjective that describes something that can be achieved. For instance, “With hard work and dedication, your goals are achievable.”
  • Achiever: This is a noun that refers to someone who consistently accomplishes their goals. For example, “She is a high achiever and always strives for excellence.”


Spelling “achieve” correctly is important for effective communication. By breaking down the word, using mnemonic devices, practicing, and being aware of common misspellings, you can improve your spelling skills and avoid any errors. Remember, spelling is a skill that can be developed with practice, so don’t get discouraged if you make mistakes along the way. Keep learning and improving, and soon you’ll be spelling “achieve” and other words with confidence!